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DBA News

New article about the DBA by German newspaper "Die Welt"

A new article of German newspaper "Die Welt" discusses the career prospects of DBA students and the part-time, doctoral study itself - learn more about it in our resource center or also directly here.

New DBA Programme in Cairo, Egypt

A new DBA programme recently started in Cairo, Egypt, at the ESLSCA Business School.

Find out more about it here...

DBA information event in Bonn, Germany by Bradford University

Bradford University is holding a DBA information session on November 5th in Germany's former capital Bonn, where people can also study at their local campus. Reservation needed, but you can sign up here...

Fox School of Business launched an Executive DBA

Temple University's Fox School of Business announced recently that they launched a new Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) - see more here...

New German study about career possibilities and employability of doctoral graduates by Bavarian IHF

In a brand-new academic IHF study, German researchers Susanne Falk and Hans-Ulrich Küpper recently investigated the career chances of graduates with a doctoral degree - the study, which unfortunately is only available in German, can now be downloaded from our resource center or also directly here.
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Welcome, future DBA student,

Are you interested in the degree of Doctor of Business Administration, also known as DBA?

Are you looking for an advanced business degree, having realized that the MBA you have earned previously neither is enough to advance in your profession, nor does it differentiate you from your colleagues with the MBA?

Would you like to study an equivalent degree to the PhD in Business Administration, yet in less time and next to your manager’s job, adding the title “Dr.” in front of your name?

What started at Harvard Business School some decades ago, is probably the world’s most prestigious business degree today. If you are in for hard work, dedication and in-depth study of one of your favorite business topics, look no further...

...your doctoral journey starts here.

If you would like to know the difference between an MBA and a DBA - in short I would say: Beyond the MBA is before the DBA!
A Stanford professor's answer on the differences between MBA vs DBA, 2008
Doctor of Business Administration - a quick guide

The Doctor of Business Administration (often referred to as DBA or D.B.A.) is an advanced university research degree for top-executive managers, hence it's also often referred to as a professional doctorate.

Similar to a PhD, it confers the academic title "Dr" and hence managers receive the highest form of credibility as part of their name.

Most executives deciding to go on a DBA research journey already earned a Masters or MBA degree in their previous studies.

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